Lime mortar in paste for renderings and rejoints at rehabilitation and restoration Works in historical buildings in which identical to originals mortars with characteristics and old patinas are required. Manufactured wit pure lime with a high calcium content, hydrated with paste and with ageing with a superior to one-year rest, siliceous sand.


  • Emblematic and old building rehabilitation and restauration indoors and outdoors. It can be used perfectly on new construction. Enable finishes and “extra fines” textures.


This mortar has qualities that cannot be obtained in a natural manner with cements or with artificial limes. Only the natural pure lime allows the gaseous changes between the building interior and exterior, as well as offers the best plasticity and workability due to:

  • The hexagonal form of the hydrated lime glasses provides a higher plasticity.
  • The hydrated lime high fineness (size around 1 micron), as well as the content of fine arid facilitates the workability.
  • The bigger specific lime surface brings more workability and plasticity as well as the smaller particle size, a bigger arid covering is obtained.
  • It is more compatible with the building methods and old materials from the chemical, structural and mechanical points of view.
  • Capacity of keeping the original aspect and firmness bringing bigger durability.
  • Excellent adherence to the support due to lime fineness and to the water retention that keeps during more time its pH basic (> 12).
  • Better water-tightness in front of chemical attacks (vibrations, wind frost-thaw cycles) and chemical (rain, acid salts, etc…)
  • Great elasticity that facilitates the adaptation of the support deformations without provoking cracking.
  • Record of low volume variables humidity.
  • Contribute to good aesthetical and homogeneous, as well as good thermal and acoustic insulation.
  • Bigger structural stability, for the cracks auto seal: the mortar absorbs water, dissolving the hydrated lime that penetrates in the gaps and cracks where it gets re- carbonated to seal them (related with dissolution cycles/re-precipitation of the calcite)
  • Lower expansion, weak retraction and lower air content.
  • Bigger flexibility under determined mechanical conditions.
  • Bigger durability/ It does not produce efflorescence (which are manifested with white stains, produced by soluble alkaline salts- Sodium Sulfate and above all Potassium)., due to the lime that contains that has been manufactured with raw materials with high quality and very pure, with a content in carbonated calcium superior to 98% and the sodium and potassium contents do not exceed 0,01%, being the salts quantity much lower than the cement one avoiding important damages in the system set stone/ mortar originated by cycles of crystallization and/or hydration.
  • Bigger breathability, due to the action of re-carbonization (lime mortar setting) that creates in the interior of the mass some channels called capillary that facilitates the breathability. The humidity in a water steam form is evacuated towards the exterior using, capillary uses, letting the walls “breath”.