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Improve the resistance and aesthetics of your pavements with Redexy 3C

When you think of pavements, the two concepts that come to mind are aesthetics and durability. It seems complicated to find the balance, but in Pavistamp we have solutions that adapt perfectly to any type of requirement, and among them is Redexy 3C.

What are epoxy resin floors and where are they commonly used?

The choice of a certain type of pavement will undoubtedly condition the duration of the work, the time of intervention and the total cost. It is, therefore, a very important decision in the whole project and cannot be taken lightly. In addition, it is normal for the client to demand certain guarantees of resistance and durability that are sometimes not compatible with the aesthetic needs of the floor that he would like to have.

With epoxy resin flooring you have many points in your favor. On the one hand, you provide the customer with the security of a resistant and attractive pavement and on the other hand you ensure that your intervention does not involve a high investment of time and money. In this way, everyone wins.

Epoxy resin floors are a decorative flooring solution that works with minimum thicknesses without compromising the durability of the results. In the specific case of Redexy 3C we refer to a type of water-based mortar, non-oxidizable steel components and selected aggregates that provide a strong texture while flexible, minimizing the risk of cracks or breaks.

In Pavistamp this type of indoor flooring alternatives are very often used in surfaces exposed to high traffic, such as offices or commercial and industrial premises, where in addition to seeking a durable solution has a special importance the aesthetic aspect.

Redexy 3C: the great advantages of Pavistamp’s decorative mortar

One of the main limitations that this type of property faces when it comes to assessing the value of a flooring renovation is the question of time. In any business, carrying out work and temporarily closing the facilities means a considerable loss of money and continuity in the activity being carried out.

Traditional paving alternatives require costly construction work that involves the generation of dust, debris and other waste that slows down the process. Redexy 3C decorative mortar is the best way to avoid all these types of setbacks.

  • It can be applied directly on the pavement to be renovated. Concrete surfaces, tiles, oily floors or with strong superficial wear… After a good previous treatment of cleaning, devastated or sanded, the application of Redexy 3C will be able to be carried out with all the guarantees of success.
  • Being a 100% solids and solvent-free composite material, its use is perfectly compatible with chemical or food installations exposed to erosion, abrasion or industrial and marine waters.
  • It provides a hardness far superior to that of any concrete with the particularity that these resins do not crack or crack so easily.
  • Its application is quick and easy. After 8 hours it has already dried completely, also admitting the use of other types of sealings that increase its resistance and its aesthetic attractiveness.
  • Once the mixture has dried, which initially has a cement gray color, it can be treated with non-breathable paints to obtain the color result that best suits the characteristics of the environment, with smooth and non-slip finishes.

Achieve more attractive floors with Redexy 3C

Are you ready for a makeover in the interior spaces of your property? Redexy 3C withstands heavy traffic very well, but this high resistance is not at odds with a loss of attractiveness. In fact, the use of this water-based mortar provides eye-catching aesthetic finishes that make it a sensational alternative in offices, retail spaces or any other workspace.

On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that this is a very versatile material and that due to its application, color and finish characteristics, it is very easy to make it fit the style you have proposed in the design of those interior spaces.

Minimum thickness, traffic or wear resistance no longer have to compromise the choice of a decorative coating. Redexy 3C incorporates all of these requirements into its base composition and allows you to create much more attractive flooring with minimal investment in time and effort.

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